ProxyChains - Anonymity

Anonymity is one of the most important elements for the penetration tester (hacker).

While complete anonymity is not possible in our time, it is certainly possible to increase your anonymity and reduce tracking through a proxy, VPN, Tor, changing physical locations in real life (like coffee shop Wi-Fi..), and so on.

You are going to use Proxychains to chain numerous proxies and Tor to deliver you anonymity, rendering it more difficult to pinpoint your real IP address. Hence, Proxychains uses many proxy servers to conceal your true IP address. Keep in mind that the more proxies you imply, the slower your Internet connection will be.

Follow these steps to install and use ProxyChains:

  • Fire up your Kali machine

  • Open up a terminal window

  • Install the ProxyChains

# apt-get install tor proxychains

  • Once it's done, open the configuration file and make some changes:

# nano /etc/proxychain.conf

Find the "dynamic_chain" line and remove the #

Find the "proxy DNS request" and remove the #

Save and exit.

run the following commend in order to start the Tor service:

# service tor start

You are now ready to use ProxyChains.

Change your DNS to a public address like:







There's more, just look for them.

To make the change:

# nano /etc/resolv.conf

Change the line or add another line:


Restart the network card:

#/etc/init.d/networking restart

cli change/add DNS

Once you get yourself covered, it's time to fire up the ProxyChains.

If you'd like to surf anonymously with Firefox browser run this commend:

# proxychains3 firefox

To check if ProxyChains is working properly, and there are no information britches, browse the following URL on the Firefox you lunched:

if you like to run Nmap commend on your Win machine using proxychains:

# proxychains3 nmap -F <machine IP/DNS>


# proxychains3 gobuster dir -u http://<machine IP/DNS> -w /word/list/path/word.txt

The same will be with any commend that you like to keep yourself anonymity


  • If ProxyChines doesn't work, and the browser lunched but you can't browse the internet, Check that the "Tor" service is running:

proxychains using Tor

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