Bugcrowd HUNT

You can add a lot of extensions and addons to ZAP, one of them is "Bugcrowd HUNT"

What is ZAP?

Bugcrowd HUNT is a passively scan for known vulnerabilities in web applications. Once you navigate in the website, the traffic will go through ZAP. This add on scans for known vulnerabilities as you go.

In your Kali machine navigate via your terminal to a folder you’d like to store the scripts.

git clone https://github.com/bugcrowd/HUNT

cd to the folder you just downloaded, and copy the "passive" folder to:


This is what your path will look like.


Now, in ZAP, click the “Manage Add-Ons” icon:

From the Marketplace install “Python Scripting” and “Community Scripts

Once you're done, go to Tools >> Options >> Passive Scanner

and make sure "Only scan messages in scope” is enabled. Hit OK.

ZAP Passive scanner

In ZAP open the Scripts tab:

  1. Under Passive Rules, find and enable the HUNT.py script

  2. Load all the scripts from the "passive" folder you downloaded, save and Enable

Now when you browse sites HUNT will passively scan for SQLi, LFI, RFI, SSRF, and others.

It will take some time so be patient. The results will be under "Alerts"

Next I'll show you how to scan manually using HUD.

To read how to, go to the guide "ZAP HUD"

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